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Ask me about the software development consulting and vocal services that I can provide for your project.

Ottawa, ON

I am an independent software development consultant, specializing in model-driven development with Eclipse technology, which has been a passion for the last ten years.  I am widely recognized for my high-quality output, timely delivery, and friendly and engaging manner.

I also happen to be a capable singer, performing sacred and secular works for choir and tenor solo from the renaissance to today.  If you are presenting vocal music in Ottawa, eastern Ontario, or west Québec, I can be your tenor.



An ad hoc record of Christian W. Damus's professional and personal activity.

Who Knew? Comparing Directories in Eclipse

Christian W. Damus

Well, isn't that a pleasant surprise to follow a rather unpleasant one.

After having spent much of the day working on OSGi-bundle-izing Apache Batik 1.7 in the Eclipse Orbit project, I discovered that the re-distribution of the W3C CSS SAC 1.3 API that is included in Batik 1.7 is, in fact, the real original content as provided by W3C.

"Great!"  you might say.

No.  The reason I know this is that what I actually discovered is that the re-distribution of the SAC 1.3 library in Batik 1.6 was a modification of the original W3C code, that I had bundled in Orbit way back when.  Mostly, the changes are either just in the CVS ID in the header comment (Apache and W3C both checked the sources into CVS) or fixing typos in the doc comments.

My heart sank when I saw that one class, the CSSException, actually had functional changes.  A bunch of its code was removed by the Batik team.  Ugh.  So, now the Orbit bundle that for so long has been touted as "the" W3C CSS SAC 1.3 API in fact isn't, and I have to figure out what kind of version number to apply now to make the new bundle look like the real deal over the old one.  The org.w3c.css.sac_1.3.0.v200803081811.jar bundle is not authentic.

Anyhow, the real point of this blog is not to complain but to congratulate the Eclipse Team Team (tee hee).  I had always used BeyondCompare to diff directory structures, but I don't have it on my current system and I was impatient, so on a lark I thought "Hey, let's see if I can do Compare With -> Each Other..." on directories in Eclipse.  Well, of course I can!  That's how I found my little Batik/SAC conundrum:

I should know by now just to assume that Eclipse can do these things.  Silly me.

Good work, Team people!  This is one more task that I don't need to escape my cozy workbench for.


OCL: Who Cares?

Christian W. Damus

This week, the OCL 2.1 RTF has had to re-launch the voting on its first ballot, because it failed to reach a quorum.  With a 10-member voting list, 2 votes just didn't cut it.  And these were the two companies that put some effort into resurrecting this specification by addressing a substantial number of issues.

It's disappointing to see that there is so little interest from the OMG membership in the health of this specification that should, and I think was intended to be, a cornerstone of the the MOF architecture.  There is still interest in the user community, judging by the continued influx of issue reports.

No metamodel is complete without constraints that specify the well-formedness of instance models.  And OCL could be a key tool in that department, if it can keep up with the evolution of MOF and UML.  Indeed, it already seems to be an important part of several Eclipse modeling technologies, as I hope to demonstrate at EclipseCon 2009.  However, the current state of the specification makes the implementation of conformant tools difficult and interchange of OCL models impossible, because the language is imprecisely and inconsistently specified (some bits aren't really specified at all).

A few of us are working hard to reinvigorate and reform this specification, but we need help.  With just two OMG members involved at this point, it is difficult even to get through a vote, and I worry about how relevant the product will be that results from such a small collaboration.  So, pitch in with your time (it doesn't take much) and elbow-grease to make OCL succeed!  Let's not let this thing go the way of the dodo.


And Now I Lay me Down to Sleep ...

Christian W. Damus

Well, it looks like it must be winter, because I see Orion high in the sky outside my window.  I don't know how it is, but there is something comforting about the onset of this season, and those early nights when the great Hunter rises to watch over those of us that dwell in the northern hemisphere.  I can almost feel his presence.

The fire in the grate dims, and even Tess has stopped purring and is huddling close for warmth.  I ask myself, What have I done for her lately?  Dished out a can of wet food, cleaned the litter pan, washed the water fountain.  And what has she done for me?  Only offered me the simple, unconditional, absolute affection of one of nature's most perfect animals.  I feel that I have got the better part of this exchange.