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Ask me about the software development consulting and vocal services that I can provide for your project.

Ottawa, ON

I am an independent software development consultant, specializing in model-driven development with Eclipse technology, which has been a passion for the last ten years.  I am widely recognized for my high-quality output, timely delivery, and friendly and engaging manner.

I also happen to be a capable singer, performing sacred and secular works for choir and tenor solo from the renaissance to today.  If you are presenting vocal music in Ottawa, eastern Ontario, or west Québec, I can be your tenor.


Software Projects

These are current and past software development projects that I have worked on.


I am a current and past committer on several modeling technology projects at Eclipse.

Current committer positions:

  • EMF Client Platform (ECP), in particular the EMF Forms component for model-driven user interfaces in form-based editors in the Eclipse environment, the Web, and more
  • Papyrus, a full-featured UML modeling workbench for software developers, architects, and systems analysts. I started with contribution of support for management and editing of Papyrus models in CDO repositories and more recently things like externalized profile applications, model indexing, "welcome page", diagramming assistants, and a wide variety of smaller enhancements.
  • Papyrus for Real-Time, a product based on Papyrus that provides a complete environment for modeling and code generation with UML for Real-Time (UML-RT). My primary area of responsibility is for the UML-RT metamodel implementation and façade API, and support for diagram inheritance.
  • UML2, an EMF-based implementation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) metamodel, including full support for Profiles, both dynamic and statically generated with Java APIs.
  • EMF Connected Data Objects (CDO), a real-time transactional collaboration platform for model-based applications. I am no longer active in this project, where my main areas of responsibility were the Dawn component for integration of graphical editors generated by GMF with CDO and the "legacy mode" that supports the GMF Notation model in Dawn and other third-party generated EMF models.

Past committer positions:


Current Activities

I am currently involved, via EclipseSource, in developing private client applications based on EMF Forms and EMF Compare technologies.